Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

XToolsPro 5.2


Originally developed as a set of useful vector spatial analysis, shape conversion and table management tools for ArcView GIS 3.x. XTools extension was then converted by Data East to ESRI ArcGIS environment and now is re-designed, enhanced and extended as XTools Pro to get to the newer level of functionality and performance.

feature on Xtoolspro :

Feature Conversions:
Transfer/Convert Features (free)
Convert Multipart Shapes to Single Parts (free)
Convert Polygons to Polylines (free)
Convert Features to Points (free)
Make one Polygon from Polyline (free)
Make one Polygon from Points (free)
Make one Polyline from Points (free)
Convert Graphics to Shapes (free)
Shapes to Centroids (free)
Split Polylines
Split Polygons
Smooth Polylines (free)

Miscellaneous general usage tools:
Open Attribute Table (free)
Show Nodes (free)
Create FeatureClass/ Table
Convex Hull (free)
Extract Map
Create Personal Geodatabase (free)
Delete Dataset (free)
Create Fishnet
Identify Pro
Feature Report
Start Editing Selected Layer
Show Directions (free)
Export Data to KML
Auto Save MXD
Change Datasources
Callout Identify
Import Data from KML
Create File Geodatabse
Catalog tab and Catalog dockable window in ArcMap

Table Operations:
Calculate Area, Perimeter, Length, Acres and Hectares (free)
Add XYZ Coordinates (free)
Aggregate Features/Records
Table Restructure
Export Data to MS Excel (free)
MultiDelete Fields (free)
Table Statistics (free)
Export Table to Text (free)
Find duplicates
Sort Features/Records

Layer Operations:
Erase Features (free)
Identity (free)
Update Polygon Layer (free)

Surface Tools:
Convert Grid to Contour
Create Grid from Contours
Build Thiessen Polygons

Go To tools:
Go to Google Maps
Go to Google Earth
Go to Microsoft Live

A major part of XTools Pro tools can be used in ArcGIS 9 Geoprocessing environment, i.e. they can be run from ArcToolbox or from the command line in ArcMap, used in the models and scripts.

Feature Conversions toolset includes:
- Convert Features to Centroids
- Convert Features to Points
- Convert Features to Equidistant Points
(Fixed Number)
- Convert Features to Equidistant Points
(Fixed Interval)
- Convert Multipart Shapes to Single Parts
- Convert Polygons to Polylines
- Make One Polygon from Points
- Make One Polygon from Polylines
- Make One Polyline from Points
- Transfer/Convert Features
- Split polylines
- Smooth polylines

Overlay Operations toolset includes:
- Erase Features
- Identity
- Update Polygon Layer

Table Operations toolset includes:
- Add Lat/Lon Coordinates
- Add X, Y, Z Coordinates
- Calculate Area
- Calculate Area Batch
- Calculate Length
- Calculate Length Batch

Data Management toolset includes:
- Convex Hull
- Convex Hull Multiple
- Create Personal GDB
- Create File GDB
- Export Data to KML

Latest version are XtoolsPro 5.2

changes in this version :

XTools Pro 5.2 is a minor upgrade introducing following new and updated tools and features for ArcGIS users:

ArcGIS 9.3 compatibility
- XTools Pro is now compatible with ArcGIS 9.3

Identify Pro
- a bug leading to ArcMap crash when applied to group layers has been fixed

Export Data to KML
- now exports all attributes in the input data
- a new option for creating folders in output KML files

Export Data to KML
- a new geoprocessing function has been added in the XTools Pro toolbox

Make One Polygon from Polylines
- now supports input label points

Extract Map
- group layers are now correctly supported in extraction

Calculate Area, Perimeter, Length, Acres and Hectares
- a new option for calculating US Survey acres has been implemented

Create Fishnet
- related standalone tables are now supported

Feature Report
- related standalone tables are now supported

Split Polygons
- splitting algorithm has been enhanced

Other changes
- XTools Pro 5.2 provides new 30-days trial period for unregistered users
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

ArcGIS compatibility
- XTools Pro 5.x version is compatible with ArcGIS 8.x/9.x


File size: 12.6 Mb

Disk space: 16.6 Mb
Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista
Requisite software: ArcGIS desktop 8.x or 9.x

Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

ArcGIS for AutoCAD build 110

ArcGIS for AutoCAD is a simple tool giving AutoCAD users access to GIS data and the results of GIS analysis. This is free software, downloadable application provides access to ArcGIS Server map services and allows you to view and query GIS data from within the AutoCAD environment without transforming your CAD drawings or converting GIS data. As an AutoCAD user, you can work directly with ArcGIS map services to add full GIS context to your AutoCAD session.

ArcGIS for AutoCAD leverages the ESRI toolset and geodatabase. The cartographic and computing power of ArcGIS is provided to you without the overhead of data management or the need for special data connections, symbology mapping, conversion, or translation when utilizing the ArcGIS for AutoCAD application. All vector, raster, and imagery formats that ArcGIS Server supports can be viewed in the AutoCAD environment.

With ArcGIS for AutoCAD, you can

* View live GIS maps, displaying GIS symbology of all underlying GIS data structures in AutoCAD.
* Include the results of GIS analysis in your CAD designs.
* Include GIS basemaps in your AutoCAD work products.
* Access feature attributes in AutoCAD directly from the underlying GIS databases using the Identify tool.
* Define the coordinate system within AutoCAD to automatically project maps on the fly without transforming CAD drawings or converting GIS data.
* Access map service content from ArcGIS Online inside AutoCAD.

ArcGIS for AutoCAD requires

* Access to ArcGIS Server 9.2 or higher map services
* AutoCAD 2007 or higher

Download ArcGIS for AutoCAD Build 110.


Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Penginderaan Jauh - Mixed Pixel Analysis

Penginderaan Jauh - Mixed Pixel Analysis

Penginderaan Jauh adalah ilmu dan seni dalam ekstraksi informasi mengenai suatu obyek, wilayah, atau fenomena melalui analisis data yang diperoleh tanpa melalui kontak langsung dengan obyek, wilayah, atau fenomena yang dikaji itu (Lillesand & Kiefer, 1990).

Menurut Ford, 1979, dalam Sutanto, 1992 mengatakan bahwa citra penginderaan jauh adalah gambaran visual tenaga yang direkam dengan menggunakan piranti penginderaan jauh.

Sebagai "gambar" maka citra mempunyai unsur yang terkecil dalam gambar yakni yang disebut sebagai piksel.
Piksel sendiri berasal dari akronim bahasa Inggris Picture Element yang disingkat menjadi Pixel.
Menurut Sutanto, 1992 beliau menuliskan bahwa Piksel adalah unsur data dengan aspek spasial dan spektral.

Seperti halnya kita yang mengenal Warga Asli atau Pribumi dan Warga Campuran...(*maaf bukan rasisme lho...)
Di dalam piksel juga dikenal yang namanya piksel murni (pure pixel) dan piksel campuran (mixed pixel).

Ini cuman sekedar menulis yang pernah ditulis oleh para penulis-penulis...
Pathik Thakkar dari Universitas Texas, Dallas dalam presentasinya mengenai "Mixed Pixel Analysis" mengulas secara ringkas ke dalam 44 slide presentasi.

Dimulai dengan overview bahwa resolusi spasial dari kebanyakan sistem sensor satelit yang merekam bumi lebih besar dari ukuran obyek di lapangan, biasanya satu piksel di citra satelit meng-koper lebih dari satu obyek atau kenampakan yang ada di permukaan bumi, piksel-piksel dalam citra yang meng-koper (mencakup/mewakili kenampakan dari) lebih dari satu klas obyek di lapangan/permukaan bumi merupakan mixed pixel atau piksel campuran.

Jumat, 21 November 2008

Sistem Informasi Geografi VS Peta Interaktif

Dewasa ini perkembangan Sistem Informasi Geografi maupun Peta Interaktif berkembang sangat pesat. Masyarakat kita telah mulai sadar bahwa menampilkan informasi secara spasial akan lebih informatif bila dibandingkan dengan deskripsi. Dengan hanya melihat selembar peta orang akan dapat bercerita banyak tentang daerah yang ada di dalam peta tersebut.

Dibalik itu banyak orang yang sering salah kaprah dengan SIG dan Peta Interaktif. Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa SIG dan Peta Interaktif sama, padahal sebenarnya keduanya hanya tampak serupa tapi tak sama. Hal-hal yang membedakan keduannya adalah bahwa SIG harus memiliki kemampuan untuk :

  1. Measurment
  2. Mapping
  3. Monitoring, and
  4. Modeling

Namun hal yang tidak kalah penting yaitu SIG dapat memberikan informasi baru / new information. Inilah yang paling membedakan SIG dan Peta Interaktif.

Sedangkan Peta Interaktif lebih menekankan pada aspek visualisasi. Banyak software animasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat Peta Interaktif, dengan tambahan script / bahasa pemrograman dalam software tersebut dapat membuat seolah-olah Peta Interaktif tersebut sama dengan GIS dengan kemampuan penyajian peta dan pengukuran jarak bahkan sampai dengan analisa serta pemodelan yang menyerupai di software SIG.

Visualisasi 3D dan data Sumur Bor (Pemodelan)
Sumber : www.uwsp.edu/cnr/acl/onlinedocs/whatisgis.ppt

Peta Interaktif
Sumber : Atlas Elektronik Indonesia Vol. 1, BAKOSURTANAL

ArcGIS - story behind--history.. (1)

ArcGIS saat ini software GIS yang semakin memikat GIS dan pemerhati kebumian.
Kemampuannya di dalam Geodatabase, Interopability, hingga ArcGIS server dan mobile nya bener-bener luar biasa.
Belum usai kita pelajari ArcGIS 9.0, telah mencuat ArcGIS 9.1 tak lama juga ArcGIS 9.2 dengan berbagai service pack-nya. Kini kita diajak kembali berlari-lari dengan ArcGIS 9.3 dengan kemasan tambahan dan agak berbeda.
Bookmarks di ArcGIS sebelum versi ArcGIS 9.3 berada sebagai bagian dari Menu View, tapi di ArcGIS 9.3 dia muncul sebagai main menu setara dengan menu View..
Kemudian di deretan button/tombol di Menu ArcMap, tampak pula secara langsung Model Builder yang dulunya bersembunyi di ArcCatalog.
Ada tulisan ArcGIS Model Builder di ajiputrap.blogspot.com

ArcGIS 9.3 pun sudah dikeluarkan service packnya. http://kpj2001.blogspot.com/2008/11/arcgis-93-service-pack-1-is-available.html
Bersumber dari Wikipidea tentang ArcGIS, berikut sejarah perjalanan ArcGIS:
ArcGIS is the name of a group of geographic information system software product lines produced by ESRI. At the desktop GIS level, ArcGIS can include: ArcReader, which allows one to view and query maps created with the other Arc products; ArcView, which allows one to view spatial data, create maps, and perform basic spatial analysis; ArcEditor which includes all the functionality of ArcView, includes more advanced tools for manipulation of shapefiles and geodatabases; or ArcInfo the most advanced version of ArcGIS, which includes added capabilities for data manipulation, editing, and analysis. There are also server-based ArcGIS products, as well as ArcGIS products for PDAs. Extensions can be purchased separately to increase the functionality of ArcGIS.

Product history

Prior to the ArcGIS suite, ESRI had focused its software development on the command line Arc/INFO workstation program and several Graphical User Interface-based products such as the ArcView GIS 3.x desktop program. Other ESRI products included MapObjects, a programming library for developers, and ArcSDE as a relational database management system. The various products had branched out into multiple source trees and did not integrate well with one another. In January 1997, ESRI decided to revamp its GIS software platform, creating a single integrated software architecture.[1]

ArcGIS 8.x

In late 1999, ESRI released ArcGIS 8.0, which ran on the Microsoft Windows operating system.[1] ArcGIS combined the visual user-interface aspect of ArcView GIS 3.x interface with some of the power from the Arc/INFO version 7.2 workstation. This pairing resulted in a new software suite called ArcGIS, which included the command-line ArcInfo workstation (v8.0) and a new graphical user interface application called ArcMap (v8.0) incorporating some of the functionality of ArcInfo with a more intuitive interface, as well as an ArcGIS file management application called ArcCatalog (v8.0). The release of the ArcGIS suite constituted a major change in ESRI's software offerings, aligning all their client and server products under one software architecture known as ArcGIS, developed using Microsoft Windows COM standards.[2]

One major difference is the programming (scripting) languages available to customize or extend the software to suit particular user needs. In the transition to ArcGIS, ESRI dropped support of its application-specific scripting languages, Avenue and the ARC Macro Language (AML), in favour of Visual Basic for Applications scripting and open access to ArcGIS components using the Microsoft COM standards.[3] ArcGIS is designed to store data in a proprietary RDBMS format, known as geodatabase. ArcGIS 8.x introduced other new features, including on-the-fly map projections, and annotation in the database.[4]

Updates of ArcView 3.x extensions, including 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst, came later with release of ArcGIS 8.1, which was unveiled at the ESRI International User Conference in 2000.[5] ArcGIS 8.1 was officially released on April 24, 2001. Other new extenstions were made available with ArcGIS 8.1, including GeoStatistical Analyst. ArcGIS 8.1 also added the ability to access data online, directly from the Geography Network site or other ArcIMS map services.[3] ArcGIS 8.3 was introduced in 2002, adding topology to geodatabases, which was a feature originally available only with ArcInfo coverages.[6]

ArcGIS 9.x

The ArcCatalog module, center panel is ArcToolBox, right panel is showing metadata.

ArcGIS 9.0 was released in May 2004, which included ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Engine for developers.[1] The current version of the ArcGIS software is 9.3. The ArcGIS 9 release includes a geoprocessing environment that allows execution of traditional GIS processing tools (such as clipping, overlay, and spatial analysis) interactively or from any scripting language that supports COM standards. Although the most popular of these is Python, others have been used, especially Perl and VBScript. ArcGIS 9 also includes a visual programming environment called ModelBuilder that allows users to graphically link geoprocessing tools into new tools called models. These models can be executed directly or exported to scripting languages which can then execute in batch mode (launched from a command line), or they can undergo further editing to add branching or looping.

In March 2008, ESRI began distributing beta versions of ArcGIS 9.3. The new version of ArcGIS Desktop has new modeling tools and geostatistical error tracking features, while ArcGIS Server has improved performance, and support for role-based security. There also are new JavaScript APIs that can be used to create mashups, and integrated with either Google Maps or Microsoft Virtual Earth. ArcGIS 9.3 is expected out sometime later in the spring or summer of 2008.[7] At the 2008 ESRI Developers Summit, there was little emphasis on ArcIMS, except for one session on transitioning from ArcIMS to ArcGIS Server-based applications, indicating a change in focus for ESRI with ArcGIS 9.3 for web-based mapping applications.[8]


be continued ....

Salam Spatial and Non Spatial..

Be Spatialized for Ourself :)


Kamis, 13 November 2008

ArcGIS 9.3 Service Pack 1 is Available Now !!!!

Service pack 1 for ArcGIS 9.3 is available. Many bugs already fixed from older version. Click here if you wanna see it. ArcGIS 9.3 Service Pack 1 contains critical fixes and new functionality. It is recommended that all users install this service pack.

Download ArcGIS Service Pack 1 (94 Mb)
Download ArcGIS Dekstop Help Service Pack 1 (243 Mb)

Source : Esri.com

Rabu, 12 November 2008

Mobile GIS

Mobile GIS is the use of geographic data in the field on mobile devices.

Banyak sekali sekarang aplikasi MObile GIS...

ESRI sebagai GIS master juga mempunyai dua aplikasi Mobile GIS:
ArcGIS Mobile is a mobile GIS platform that enables organizations to deliver geographic information system (GIS) capabilities and data from centralized servers, providing access to GIS services over wireless networks to a range of mobile devices. ArcGIS Mobile targets enterprise customers by providing mobile-based GIS functionality that includes mapping, spatial query, sketching, GPS integration, GIS editing, and wireless data access to ArcGIS Server Web services.
ArcPad is software for mobile GIS and field mapping applications using handheld and mobile devices. ArcPad provides field-based personnel with the ability to capture, analyze, and display geographic information, without the use of costly and outdated paper map books.

RIA Mobile GIS specialise in Field Mapping and Mobile Geographic Information Systems, and the development of solutions surrounding this activity.

RIA Mobile GIS is the Australian market leader in combining advanced mapping capabilities with handheld, ultra-mobile, laptop and tablet computers.

RIA Mobile GIS Supplies Systems, develops Solutions for, and Supports ESRI ArcPad Software and ArcGIS Server Mobile GIS Technology.

GTI Introduces Version 8.0 of the GTViewer Suite
MADISON, Ala., Nov 11, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Graphic Technologies, Inc. (GTI) today announced a major release of its GTViewer suite of mobile GIS applications. Version 8.0 of GTViewer, GT/Field, GTWeb, GTData, and the GTViewer SDK are now available.
GTViewer is the cornerstone of the mobile GIS suite and continues to deliver high performance GIS viewing, ease-of-use, and powerful GIS analysis capabilities. Version 8.0 provides many new productivity enhancements and usability refinements including feature tooltips, GPS reference points, and advanced redline manipulations. GTViewer is not only a GIS analysis and viewing application, it is also a development platform which fully supports Visual Studio .NET for extending its functionality and creating custom applications.

Nokia sebagai merk HP terkemuka juga mengeluarkan Mobile GIS, aplikasi mernarik tracking dengan HP
MObile Phoe Tracking with Nokia N95& WMS
Another rainy weekend proved a good excuse to sit down and put some theory into practice…

The theory goes…take a GPS enabled mobile phone; some beta software from Nokia; a handful of HTML, Javascript and PHP goodness; and you have all the components for a dynamic tracking web service and mapping website?

Well, the theory works! I’ve put a demonstration together at the following link:

Mobile Phone Tracking with a Nokia N95 Demonstration


source information :




KPJ 2001

Rabu, 05 November 2008

ENVI 4.5 - ENVI Modules (1)

What is ENVI?

ENVI is the premier software solution for processing and analyzing geospatial imagery used by GIS professionals, scientists, researchers, and image analysts around the world. ENVI software combines the latest spectral image processing and image analysis technology with an intuitive, user-friendly interface to help you get meaningful information from imagery.

ENVI Modules

ENVI Feature Extraction Module

Quickly and easily extract features from imagery with this object-based tool.

Today you need to find and identify features of interest within geospatial imagery. But, the process of manually locating and digitizing these features can be complex and time consuming, and spectral content is often limited, reducing the accuracy of standard classification methods.

The new ENVI Feature Extraction Module allows you to quickly, easily and accurately extract features from high resolution imagery. This add-on module to ENVI uses object-based image analysis technology so you can extract features from readily available pan and multi-spectral imagery and data.

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008

News From ERDAS

ERDAS is great Business Company...
Since 13 Oct till 21 Oct News from ERDAS is very exciting to GIS and Remote Sensing Communities..

The Earth to Business Company
At ERDAS, we help organizations harness the information of the changing earth for greater advantage, by creating Geospatial Business Systems that transform our earth's data into business information. We are The Earth to Business Company.

21 October, 2008
ERDAS Releases Map2PDF for IMAGINE
Norcross, GA – ERDAS Inc. announces the release of Map2PDF for IMAGINE, a new product combining TerraGo Technologies’ Map2PDF (now called Publisher) with the power of ERDAS IMAGINE®, the industry’s leading and most complete collection of software tools designed to manipulate, process and understand imagery and vector data.

16 October, 2008
ERDAS Announces Automated Feature Extraction Solution: IMAGINE Objective
Norcross, GA — ERDAS announces the release of IMAGINE Objective, a new tool providing object-based multi-scale image classification and feature extraction capabilities for building and maintaining accurate geospatial content.

Since the open Beta earlier this year, the IMAGINE Objective workflow has been streamlined, based on customer feedback and interaction. IMAGINE Objective includes a set of tools for feature extraction, update and change detection, enabling geospatial data layers to be created and maintained using remotely sensed imagery. With IMAGINE Objective, imagery and geospatial data of all kinds can be analyzed to produce GIS-ready maps.


15 October, 2008
ERDAS Announces a Free Webinar — Bigger, Stronger, Faster (ERDAS Image Web Server 2009)
Norcross, GA – ERDAS is offering Bigger, Stronger, Faster, a free webinar on Thursday, October 23, 2008, highlighting ERDAS Image Web Server 2009. ERDAS Image Web Server 2009 distributes large volumes of geospatial image data to thousands of concurrent users.

Now supporting additional file formats (including GeoTIFF, MrSID and IMG), as well as JPIP and WMS-C, ERDAS Image Web Server implements true interoperability, simplifying the process of delivering and consuming data. In addition, ERDAS Image Web Server also increases user flexibility with automatic client-side reprojection.

14 October, 2008
ERDAS APOLLO 2009 Selected by China’s National Environmental Protection Ministry
Norcross (Georgia, USA) – China’s National Environmental Protection Ministry is implementing ERDAS APOLLO 2009, a unified enterprise platform for managing and serving large volumes of geospatial data located and distributed across an organization.

ERDAS APOLLO Image Manager is being implemented to store and share the Ministry’s gridded data throughout the enterprise. Setting-up Open Geospatial Consortium and International Organization for Standardization (OGC/ISO) compliant web services, ERDAS APOLLO Server will catalog and deliver all the geospatial data of the Ministry’s enterprise over the web. Beijing Digital LandView Technology Company (Beijing LandView), ERDAS’ authorized distributor in China is providing ERDAS APOLLO, as well as ERDAS IMAGINE®, IMAGINE VirtualGIS®, IMAGINE Vector™, IMAGINE Easytrace™, IMAGINE Autosync™ and IMAGINE Deltacue™ and other IMAGINE add on modules to the National Environmental Protection Ministry.

13 October, 2008
Best of Both Worlds: ERDAS ER Mapper 7.2 Includes ERDAS IMAGINE® 9.3
Norcross, GA – ERDAS announces ERDAS ER Mapper 7.2, the next release of the solution for visualizing, enhancing and combining images. ERDAS ER Mapper provides advanced image processing and compression capabilities widely used in a variety of industries including oil, gas and mineral exploration.
Additionally, ERDAS ER Mapper 7.2 offers 64-bit compression, allowing huge sets of imagery (over 5TB of data) to be mosaicked and compressed. This release also provides a new projection engine with over 3200 predefined coordinate systems, over 1100 datum shifts, 50+ mathematical projections, local and global vertical datums and industry-standard EPSG support for seamless data sharing (including better GeoTIFF and JPEG 2000 projection system handling). New file formats are also directly readable for data sharing, including MrSID, IMAGINE IMG, RPF (CIB and CADRG).

source information : http://www.erdas.com/

Keep Study and Do The Best Get The Best !!!

Best Regards,


Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

GIS from ESRI, What is GIS?

What is GIS?

A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.

GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.

A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.

GIS technology can be integrated into any enterprise information system framework.

Three Views of a GIS

A GIS is most often associated with a map. A map, however, is only one way you can work with geographic data in a GIS, and only one type of product generated by a GIS. A GIS can provide a great deal more problem-solving capabilities than using a simple mapping program or adding data to an online mapping tool (creating a "mash-up").

A GIS can be viewed in three ways:

  1. The Database View: A GIS is a unique kind of database of the world—a geographic database (geodatabase). It is an "Information System for Geography." Fundamentally, a GIS is based on a structured database that describes the world in geographic terms. Learn more.

    Example of geodata showing tabular address data related to a street map.
  2. The Map View: A GIS is a set of intelligent maps and other views that show features and feature relationships on the earth's surface. Maps of the underlying geographic information can be constructed and used as "windows into the database" to support queries, analysis, and editing of the information. Learn more.

  3. The Model View: A GIS is a set of information transformation tools that derive new geographic datasets from existing datasets. These geoprocessing functions take information from existing datasets, apply analytic functions, and write results into new derived datasets. Learn more.

    Example of a model or process flow, with datasets, functions, and results.

By combining data and applying some analytic rules, you can create a model that helps answer the question you have posed. In the example below, GPS and GIS were used to accurately model the expected location and distribution of debris for the Space Shuttle Columbia, which broke up upon re-entry over eastern Texas on February 1, 2003. Learn more about this project.

Together, these three views are critical parts of an intelligent GIS and are used at varying levels in all GIS applications. Learn more about the technology.


GIS in Every Walk of Life

"The application of GIS is limited only by the imagination of those who use it."
—Jack Dangermond, President of ESRI

Best Regards,


Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

OSGeo Journal

The OSGeo Journal is a digital publication containing case studies, news, tutorials, project updates and more. With a general aim at promoting, highlighting and educating readers about open source geo spatial applications in general, but also provides updates on OSGeo projects.
As we know that one of the famous project under OSGeo is GRASS , a powerful and open source GIS software.
You can see that besides all highly price GIS software that we use, there are many open and free software out there that have the same capability like commercial software.
in this journal there are many report about the improvement of many software project plus case studies related to the software itself. and you can find some tutorial for many free and famous GIS software, don,t miss it, find it at OSGeo sites

until now, the journal are until 4th release, and you can monitor all release at these link

or you can grab it all release at this link :

journal vol 1

journal vol 2

journal vol 3

journal vol 4


Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008

GeoEye Releases First Image

Press Releases

GeoEye Releases First Image Collected by Its New GeoEye-1 Earth-Imaging Satellite
World's Highest-Resolution, Color Satellite Image of Kutztown University in Penn. Showcases GeoEye-1's Exceptional Quality


DULLES, Va., Oct. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- GeoEye, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEOY), a premier provider of satellite, aerial and geospatial information, released today the first, color half-meter ground resolution image taken from its GeoEye-1 satellite. The satellite has been undergoing calibration and check-out since it was launched on Sept. 6 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Calif. The Company will begin selling GeoEye-1 imagery products later this fall.

..................................................... more complete information http://geoeye.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=308


Google's Super Satellite Captures First Image

This bird's-eye view of Kutztown University in Pennsylvania was the first image ever seen by the GeoEye-1, the world's highest-resolution commercial satellite sponsored by Google, when it opened its camera door earlier this week.

The 4,300-pound satellite collected the image at noon EDT on Oct. 7 while moving from the north pole to the south pole in a 423-mile-high orbit at 17,000 miles per hour, or 4.5 miles per second. The spacecraft can take photos at a resolution of up to 41 cm -- close enough to zoom in on the home plate of a baseball diamond, according to Mark Brender, GeoEye's vice president of communications and marketing.

........................................more complete information http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/10/geoeye-1-super.html

Citra satelit GeoEye mempunyai resolusi spasial 41cm, lebih tajam dari quickbird 61cm dan ikonos 1 meter. Coba bayangkan kalau kita terlantang di jalan dan kemudian terekam oleh satelit GeoEye, apabila tinggi badan kita sekitar 164 cm, maka kita akan menempati 4 piksel..hehe :)
--- Bumi semakin "tertelanjangi"---

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Kartografi dan Penginderaan Jauh

Blog KPJ 2001 (Kartografi dan Penginderaan Jauh) Fakultas Geografi UGM..tempat untuk berbagi :)